I get the following error message on about a half dozen different pages on the subdomain new.pptu.org:
Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`pptu_joomlatest`.`b9q1v_sigplus_data`, CONSTRAINT `b9q1v_FK_sigplus_data_property` FOREIGN KEY (`propertyid`) REFERENCES `b9q1v_sigplus_property` (`propertyid`) ON DELETE CASCADE)
The above message occurred at https://new.pptu.org/events/o-archive/june2024 when it encountered the following Sigplus directive: {gallery}outings/June2024{/gallery}
I have 2 questions about this problem:
1. Since I am not a database person, how do I fix this problem?
2. Since I restored new.pptu.org from the current pptu.org backup at the time and I don't get the same error at https://pptu.org/events/o-archive/june2024 is this possibly a problem with Akeeba Backup or Joomla 5.1.4 or 5.2 (I get the same errors with 5.2 and subdomain j3test.pptu.org)?
Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`pptu_joomlatest`.`b9q1v_sigplus_data`, CONSTRAINT `b9q1v_FK_sigplus_data_property` FOREIGN KEY (`propertyid`) REFERENCES `b9q1v_sigplus_property` (`propertyid`) ON DELETE CASCADE)
The above message occurred at https://new.pptu.org/events/o-archive/june2024 when it encountered the following Sigplus directive: {gallery}outings/June2024{/gallery}
I have 2 questions about this problem:
1. Since I am not a database person, how do I fix this problem?
2. Since I restored new.pptu.org from the current pptu.org backup at the time and I don't get the same error at https://pptu.org/events/o-archive/june2024 is this possibly a problem with Akeeba Backup or Joomla 5.1.4 or 5.2 (I get the same errors with 5.2 and subdomain j3test.pptu.org)?
Statistics: Posted by kenbowyer — Sun Oct 20, 2024 10:09 pm